Well, honey, "death on a cracker" is just a colorful way of saying something is really salty or intense. It's like calling someone a drama queen, but Read more
Animal Life
Why is the black swallower not dangerous to humans?
Asked by Wiki User
The black swallower, https://tompress.shop/ a deep-sea fish known for its ability to consume prey larger than itself, is not dangerous to humans because it resides in the deep ocean a Read more
Math and Arithmetic
What was done to stop the Plague sreading?
Asked by Wiki User
they told them to jump of a cliff or something hight that would kill them or if they survieved they shagged someone then went sick in their miuths then stabbed Read more
How is corporate independent study managed today?
Asked by EncofBizandFinance
The value of an independent-study program is enhanced when used in conjunction with electronic mail, synchronous chat discussions, asynchronous discussion forum Read more
Black Death (Plagues)
What eventually happens to the swellings on the body caused by the black death?
Asked by Wiki User
Black Death (Plagues)
How will Europe change as a result of the bubonic plague?
Asked by Wiki User
Black Death (Plagues)
What is Communication mediums during the 14th century?
Asked by Wiki User
Black Death (Plagues)
This history takes place in a contry devastated by the plague what kind of life do Prince Prospero and his friends lead in their world apart?
Asked by Wiki User
Black Death (Plagues)
What major problems did European states face in the 14th century?
Asked by Wiki User
History of the United States
What impact of religion on Renaissance music?
Asked by Wiki User
Black Death (Plagues)
Who used the term hind in the 14th century?
Asked by Wiki User
Black Death (Plagues)
What were black ships?
Asked by Wiki User
Black Death (Plagues)
What technological development were developed in the Middle Ages?
Asked by Wiki User
Conditions and Diseases
Why has your osteoarthritis spread so quickly?
Asked by Wiki User
Osteoarthritis can spread quickly due to factors like aging, genetic predisposition, joint injuries, or excessive stress on the joints from obesity or overuse. Read more
Mycology or Fungi
Is bubonic plague a fungus or bacterium?
Asked by Wiki User
Bubonic plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. It is not caused by a fungus.