BelindaCoffman440957 2025.03.16 12:43 查看 : 2
Ever Mae and I met on Filipino Cupid dating site December 2024 and in our very first conversation she was begging me to marry her and bring her to the United States. her exact words "please wife me up."
She also revealed that she was desperate because she is 46 (she lied on her dating profile saying she was 44) and is getting old and is afraid to be alone.
Over the next 2 and a half months Ever Mae Nollora and I video chatted multiple times per day. In a short time after meeting she told me she wanted to come to the United States to be my wife and even went so far as to say "it is my duty as your wife to have sex with you 3 times pers day".
I went through the time and effort and money of filing for her to be an immigrant fiance which costs $675 and took a lot of effort. During the next several months she repeatedly told me that she is definitely coming and is going to be my wife. Based upon that and trusting Ever Mae, I sent her $1000 to help her out and sent her hundreds of dollars in gifts.
As Valentines day approached I though to myself "I know she does not have much money but I did just send her $1000 dollars, lets see if she is thoughtful enough to spend the $3 to get and send me a Valentines day card. Sure enough Valentines Day comes - nothing. When I brought it up she had some lame excuse.
If you look closely at Ever Maes pictures (I saw this when I video chatted with her) you can see her hairline is receeding LOL. If you date Ever Mae be ready to be with a bald chic in a few years!
Ever Mae is a scammer and a user. She further sells the idea that she cares for you by involving her family introducing her family and friends to you via video chat, making you believe that she must really care for you if she is introducting you to her friends and family.
In our very first video conversation on Whatsapp, Ever Mae told me she had three kids and had a hard time meeting a guy in the Philippines because woman with kids are considered damaged goods by men in the Philippines.
Ever Mae said her kids were ages 24, 21 and 10, Sabrinne Nollora. So I was confused as she has a 10 year old daughter and Ever Mae's Filipino Cupid dating profile says she is willing to relocate and leave her country to come to the United States.
Right then and there I should have disengaged because if a woman can leave her own child behind like that it shows she is not committed to anything. I mean if she can leave her own flesh and blood that easily how hard would it be to leave me or any other man at any point.
In addition Ever Mae's 2 older kids, Dukeizajade Baay and Allaissa Nollora Ba-ay are both giant fat pigs at only 24 and 21 years of age which is another indication of Ever Mae being a bad mom and a bad person. Fatten your kids up and then leave them behind! If that is not good parenting then what is.
Although I can't prove it I have very strong suspicions that Ever Mae engages in prostitution. Here is why.
During the two and a half months that her and I were getting to know each other we contacted each other dozens of times a day a combination of text messaging on WhatsApp and video call on WhatsApp. When we were on video call if she was ever with a friend or a family member she would always introduce me to them so I could say hi.
During those two and a half months there were two times whenever may was supposedly going to visit a friend who was living in a different part of the Philippines. She stayed with those friends for about one and a half to two days. In other words, overnight.
During those two times when she was with those two friends she didn't contact me once not a text message not a video chat and she didn't introduce me to these "friends" either.
I'm pretty certain those two times when she was with "friends" she was actually doing an overnight prostitution stay with a guy. Otherwise how come she didn't contact me at all and how come she didn't introduce me to these two friends?
I spoke with both Ever Mae's sister Enona and her Brother in Law Ian Paul Telmo, both from Davao Del Norte Philippines and they both have no respect for Ever Mae. When I spoke to Ever Mae's sister Enona about how Ever Mae lied to me and played me, she responsed by basically saying that Ever Mae is a trouble maker and she and her husband don't put up with it. Keep in mind that when I messaged Enona on Facebook the message I sent her was extremely nasty yet she replied to me kindly with that response. Makes you wonder what kind of crap Ever Mae has pulled in the past.
Ever Mae's other sisters husband, Ian Paul Telmo said he does not care for Ever Mae and called Ever Mae a cunt! LOL.
If you look closely at Ever Maes pictures (I saw this when I video chatted with her) you can see her hairline is receeding LOL. If you date Ever Mae be ready to be with a bald chic in a few years!
As previously mentioned Ever Mae kept promising she is coming yet during the 2 1/2 months of our talking there would be unconscious psychological slips that would show she was lying.
After only about a week of knowing each other and talking via text message and video chat, she started revealing to herself, to me, sexually exposing yourself, to me, completely naked, after getting out of a shower. You have to remember this is in a culture the Philippines where the women are supposed to be much less promiscuous and for Ever Mae Nollora to be getting completed nake for me shows she is a slut.
Ever Mae has a beautiful young daughter named Sabrinne, who is the most innocent, wonderful child I have ever met, but shy and after only a short time of getting to know, Ever Mae I learned why ... Ever Mae on a daily basis yells at Sabrinne over the most stupid stuff. When Ever Mae does this I see Sabrinne recoil in fear.
Everyday Ever Mae makes multiple posts to Facebook as if she is a teenager, glamor shots where she's taking pictures of herself with her hand to her forehead as if she is sighing. Like oh look at me, I am so hot and sexy this is the
behavior of a teenager and this woman is in her 40s.???
All the pictures on her Facebook that she uploads every single day our focused on her and her alone showing just how narcissistic and how self-centered she is.
After I stopped talking with Ever Mae a neighbor of hers on Facebook messaged me. This neighbor told me that Ever Mae is obsessed with her physical appearance as if she is Kim Karashian and even had a failed cosmetic procedure performed to make her nose a little more pointy which explained a chronice pimple looking thing at the tip of Ever Mae's nose which during the last month of our speaking, which pussed and bled occasionally and resulted in a small divet or indentation at the tip of Ever Maes nose.
Ever Mae lied to me and told me it was a pimple. Probably because how could she explain having the money for this which was probably aquired via an overnight prostitution stay.
About a week after stopping all communication with Ever Mae a few wonderful people came out of the woodwork on Facebook who live in the Philippines in the same town as Ever Mae Nollora to provide me with information about Ever Mae that help fill in the missing pieces
I come to find out that Ever Mae was cheating on me during the last three weeks of our talking and getting to know each other and I come to find out she has a pattern of cheating throughout her life
Apparently a 29-year-old guy who lived near the crappy little roadside store Ever Mae worked at started coming over and talking to Ever Mae, and Ever Mae started dating and having sex with him while she was talking to me during the month of Feb 2025.
I had noticed a decrease in interest in her she was texting me less video calling me less frequently and I brought it to her attention because it sort of hurt my feelings and she lied to me, and told me it was some other reason but the real reason is because she met this 29-year-old guy keep in mind Ever Mae is 46 years old.
Another interesting fact is ever may has three kids and she told me that they were all by her husband, who died in 2013. I found out from both ever Mae's brother-in-law and the same neighbor that the reality is her younger daughter Sabrine is from a different guy.
Now in the United States it's not uncommon at all for a woman to have kids by different guys but in the Philippines which is a much more conservative country if you do something like that you're a very promiscuous girl. Ever Mae would be called "palikera" flirty or promiscuous woman or "landi" loose woman.
Ever Mae totally screwed up. She is in one of the poorest countries in the world. She would have never had to work a day in her life ever again if she was with me. She would have been able to live like a queen.
I treated her like a queen. I was constantly telling Ever Mae how beautiful she was. Whenever Ever Mae was down I would pick her right back up until she was sky high emotionally!
She blew it. I guess I should have paid more attention when after only a day she begged me to wife her up. That should have been a huge desperation red flag to me. Time to pick myself up, dust myself off and move on. Goodbye horrible woman, prostitute, pokpok, unfaithful, dishonest lowlife from the Philippines. You are where you are in life because that is where you deserve to be.
If her own family says she is pok pok then she is pok pok.
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