Along with its rich taste and distinct texture, it was reserved for to high society.
Nonetheless, the fish roe industry has growing demand for осетр горячего копчения this coveted product.
Regarding this article, we will delve into the tried-and-true and innovative techniques of fish roe harvesting, from net to plate.
Traditional fish roe harvesting methods involve a labor-intensive and costly process.
Fishers would set their hooks to catch sturgeon, species that produces caviar.
Once the sturgeon are captured, they would be diligently examined to determine the grade and quantity of their roe.
Experienced caviars, would chosen for their high-quality eggs, while other types would be rejected.
The fish roe would then be produced from the sturgeon using a process called roeing.
This process involves cutting the fish apart and removing the roe from the ovaries.
The roe would then be washed and categorized by dimension pigmentation and grade.
This time-consuming procedure was limited to a select few as it required large amounts of fish, a high level of knowledge and significantly large resources.
Regarding recent years, innovations in science and a increasing demand for caviar have led to the creation of new harvesting techniques.
Such method is the wet harvesting method, where the sturgeon's ovaries are removed directly from the live fish, enabling for a more efficient and humane process.
This method also allows caviar producers to harvest the caviar from different types, including the endangered beluga sturgeon, offering a more sustainable option for the industry.
Another up-to-date method of caviar harvesting is the dry harvesting method, also referred to as the dry harvesting method.
This involves hand-cutting the sturgeon's roe on the fish, while it is currently alive, using a custom-made knife.
This the caviar producer to extract the high-quality roe from the fish without damaging it, reducing waste and ensuring higher quality caviar.
Through addition to these new harvesting methods, caviar producers are also turning to more environmentally friendly options, such as sustainable agrifarming and cage-raised fish.
These allow for a more controlled environment and better fish welfare, reducing the risk of overfishing and habitat destruction.
Since the demand for caviar continues to increase, it is obvious that traditional harvesting methods will no longer be adequate to meet demand.
This evolution of caviar harvesting methods has resulted in more efficient humane-and sustainable practices.
By embracing these new techniques and focusing on sustainable farming methods, the caviar industry can ensure continued production and availability of this valued delicacy, while also its environmental resources for future to come.