Oh, dude, when your boyfriend grabs your butt, it could mean he finds it irresistible, or maybe he just wants to make sure it's still there. Like, who knows, ri Read more
What is The Skater of Ghost Lake about?
Asked by Anonymous
Jeremy Randall is skating on the ice-covered Ghost Lake. Cecily arrives and they skate together. They are frightened by a moth owl and skate onto thin ice. The Read more
Is it best to tell a girl you think she is cute or just leave it?
Asked by AnotherUsername
Telling a girl you think she's cute can be a good move if done confidently and casually. A genuine compliment can make her feel appreciated without coming on to Read more
History of the United States
Who was the smartest man on earth?
Asked by Anonymous
For me the most intelligent man in history is King Solomon.___well for me Isaac is the one; Einstein copied the laws of Sir Isaac . Einstein modified it to form Read more
Attracted to girlfriend's sister?
Asked by Anonymous
Oh, dude, that's a sticky situation you got yourself into. Technically, being attracted to your girlfriend's sister is not illegal or anything, but it's definit Read more
What is the difference between close friend and best friend?
Asked by Anonymous
A close friend is someone with whom you share a strong bond and have a deep connection, but may not necessarily be your closest or most trusted confidant. A bes Read more
What is it called when younger women like older men?
Asked by Anonymous
Younger women who like older men are simply called cheetah. Since when a younger girl goes after an older man they try and get with him just as fast as a cheeta Read more
Job Interviews
What does it mean when a guy asks you questions about your ex?
Asked by Anonymous
Well, honey, when a guy starts digging into your ex like a nosy detective, it usually means he's either feeling insecure or trying to suss out your dating histo Read more
Does that mean a guy like you if his friend pushes him to you?
Asked by Tailcosmo
It seems like there may be a typo or incomplete question in your inquiry. If you are asking whether a person should interpret their friend pushing them towards Read more
What does it mean when a woman calls you her soulmate?
Asked by Anonymous
In general that she feels you are a reflection of herself in many ways.You may like the same food, same jokes.You may have the same interests and she likes your Read more
Gay Lesbian and Bisexual
Why do many straight girls fall in love with lesbians?
Asked by Anonymous
Well, honey, attraction knows no boundaries. Sometimes straight girls fall for lesbians because of their confidence, their unique perspective on life, or simply Read more
How do i find out what websites someone has been on after they have cleared the history?
Asked by Anonymous
To find out what websites someone has been on after they have cleared their browsing history, you would typically need to have access to their computer or devic Read more
What does it mean when your boyfriend grabs your butt and breasts and kisses you all over?
Asked by Anonymous
Well, honey, when your boyfriend grabs your butt and breasts and kisses you all over, it usually means he's feeling frisky and wants to show you some affection. Read more
How can you get Zayn Malik to fall in love with you?
Asked by Anonymous
No. You can't "make" someone fall in love with you and you will never meet him to even get the chance. Meet someone who you can get to know, date, and love.