What is good for stomach cramps? Find out in this note
Are you suffering from stomach cramps? It is time to try some good remedies to combat them. For that, nothing better than tea. All its varieties can help you. Find out in depth which tea for colic is the best for your pain.
The best tea for colic
Stomach cramps are one of the most common problems at any age. They are characterized by contractions of the digestive organs producing spasms. Sometimes they present as a nuisance with temporary pain, however, especially in women, they can be very strong, preventing you from carrying out your daily activities.
Generally colic is related to digestive problems and when they occur with diarrhea, colitis and gastritis they usually get worse. These spasms can also include vomiting, constipation, fever, and nausea, among other symptoms. Tea is a very effective remedy against annoying stomach cramps. Do you want to know why? You just have to keep reading.
Tea in almost all its varieties is digestive, each one has its particular benefits, some also act as a relaxant, for example, learn a little more about each one below.
Red tea
This tea is an excellent ally to regulate the gastrointestinal tract, since it stimulates the production of gastric acid, accelerating liver metabolism. It is recommended to consume it after a meal, since it also acts as a mild energizer, avoiding that tiredness after eating too much. It is also perfect for stomach cramps, due to its tannin content and its astringency.
Green Tea
Its use to improve digestion is nothing new, dating back to ancient times in countries like China and India. It is known as the digestive tea par excellence, in addition to its other beneficial effects, such as being a great antioxidant, rich in vitamins and polyphenols.
White tea
Although less popular than the former, white tea is also a potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and digestive aid. This is thanks to its power to eliminate free radicals that are generated in your body due to stress. Another of the good options that exist within home remedies for stomach cramps.
black tea
If you don't know what to take for stomach cramps, start with the most classic of teas as well. He can help you with colic. It is antioxidant and astringent, which makes it perfect for treating stomach and digestive problems. In addition, with its tannins it combats all kinds of digestive problems. Make yourself a well-charged one and you will see that it stops quickly.
rooibos tea
One of the most delicious teas, it is also ideal for treating digestive disorders, including stomach cramps. In addition to being anti-inflammatory, it is anti-spasmodic and relieves pain, including those caused by gas and diarrhea. And it's good for children.
chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is another of the home remedies for caotra.vn stomach cramps that can help you. Although it is actually an infusion, since it does not come from the tea plant. Its digestive power is in the oil that chamomile flowers possess. It also helps eliminate gas, helps calm diarrhea and can be consumed by children (no less important fact, since they also suffer from stomach cramps).
What works for stomach cramps
Now that you know which tea for stomach aches can help you, it is also good to keep in mind some fundamental tricks to avoid and combat this type of digestive problem. Find out how to soothe stomach cramps with these simple tips!
Practice breathing techniques. There are various breathing techniques that help you relax, relieve pain, and get your digestive system working normally again. It is usually a great remedy for stomach cramps.
Apply heat. The classic hot water bottle or a cloth with warm water can mean a great improvement in colic. Simply support it on your abdomen and let it do its job. It will relax the area and allow you to feel better.
Go on a diet. No, we are not talking about a diet to lose weight, but a diet rich in fiber, avoiding solid foods and free of dairy, fatty foods and acidic foods. Don't worry, this diet is temporary, and should be followed for a couple of hours after the cramps are completely gone.
Go out to walk. A walk around the block or in the park near your house can go a long way to rid you of discomfort. However, it is not recommended that you go very far due to possible diarrhea or nausea.
Drink water. Yes, just drinking water can help a lot with colic. Although this is not a remedy that you should use when you feel discomfort, but daily consumption of water will help you suffer less colic.
Eat slowly. As previously mentioned, what you eat (in addition to stress and other factors) directly affects your chances of colic, so it never hurts to have a complete diet on hand to treat stomach inflammation.
Use plants for gases. If your problem is gases, you will be able to find several plants that will help you deal with them. Remember that many times those colic that they feel are nothing more than gases that cannot come out.
Use remedies for swelling. If you are tired of walking with a swollen belly, you can always resort to some other home remedy to help you get out of the annoying colic.
Also read: Coffee or tea: Which has more caffeine?
Other digestive problems
Now that you know what is good for colic, it is time to learn about other digestive problems that you may run into. Luckily, here we are also going to teach you how to fight them. Pay attention to the following!
Heartburn. One of the problems that usually brings more complications to anyone with a sensitive stomach is heartburn. Luckily it is avoided and combated with relative ease.
Gastritis or dyspepsia. A gastric problem that usually also causes a lot of pain and discomfort. It can be combated with effective treatments.
Nervous colitis. A digestive problem perhaps not so frequent, but that you should not overlook. To fight it with these tricks.
buy rose tea online all the product is a recorded in Compendium of Materia Medica to provide quality health care tea for the public.All the product we sell here are directly from the China Organic Certification Agricultural Base and it is 100% natural herbal tea.