But you should know that there is a great difference between a man with small penis and a man who considers his penis small. And probably most of the men are from the second group. They usually see the penises of men in porn films and that's why they have the feeling that their penises are small. The good news is that those men who take part in porn industry have usually had penis enlargement surgeries or they just have been chosen because of the great size of their genitalia.
However, you should never be affected by what you see on the TV but what your partner says. It is proved that the size of the penis does not matter so much in the sexual act-the most important thing is the way you behave as a man. If you are able to prepare well your partner for sex then the sex itself will be great.
As we can notice the number of men who try to find out a solution for this discomfort that the small penis causes, is constantly growing. And there is nothing bad in this-it actually means that they somehow search for a solution of their problems. If you enter a site on the Internet you will see how many ads occur and all of them are about penis enlarging products. But it is hard to say if these products can really work or they are just the next counterfeit. The only way to understand if they can help you is to try all of them which is impossible. Some men consider plastic surgery the best decision for penis enlargement but it hides many risks. If you do not want to undergo such difficult surgeries you can just choose to try some of the numerous devices created for that aim.
Among the variety of penis enlarging products you will find some penis extender. For mantra88 them many people say that there is an effect. And if you read more about the way they act you will believe in their success. The good thing is that no surgical interferences are needed and you can use the extender any time you want. According to men who have tried this method, it helps and quite soon the results will be visible.
But if you do not want this solution, you can always try another one. It depends on your personal choice and the strength of your wish to achieve penis enlargement.
If you are interested in more information about penis extenders and the ways you can increase your penile size you can read more here.